A for Autism: Yes! It could be controlled (cured):
Did you know that autism and autism spectrum disorder has increased nearly 50-fold over the last 40 years?
Autism: A pervasive development disorder that involves abnormal development and function of the brain. They have difficulty understanding the relationships and show decreased social communication skills and restricted or repetitive patterns of behavior or interests. we may not find symptoms in the first two to three year old kids. But it may develop later
In this article you will find:
• How to identify this condition in children?
• How to assist them?
• What actually happens in their brains!
• What to eat and what not to?
• Treatment suggestions.
How to identify this condition in children:
•Developmental delays: Watch for social, emotional and cognitive responses. Delays don’t automatically point to autism.
• Communication problems:
• They don’t make eye contact
• Wont responds to a smile
• They don’t respond to name calls
• Won’t follow the gesture when you point out things.
How to assist them:
• Be consistent with teaching as they cannot learn in one sitting.
• Sensitiveness: They may be hypersensitive to light, sound, touch, taste and smell. It is important to figure out what triggers their disruptive behavior and what elicits a positive response.
• Be on the look out for the skills that they lack in and try to teach them.
• Make time for fun and observe how they are able to learn things.
• Have patience and never give up.
What actually happens in their brains?
MRI and head circumference studies show:
• Early brain over growth at the beginning of life.
• Slowing or arrest of growth during early childhood
• Degeneration of a few brain regions before pre adolescence and continuing into adulthood.
Certain cognitive and behavioral deficits show abnormal functions in the frontal lobe of an autistic patient. A study has revealed that frontal lobe cortex volume has increased in a subset of patients and this increase corelates with the degree of cerebral abnormality.
After going through a bit of research, I conclude that there is an abnormal early growth followed by an abnormal slow growth of brain and its size.
Hyperplasia is a term to describe abnormal reproduction of cells was present in cerebral grey matter and cerebellar white matter in early life of these patients.
• What to eat and What not to eat?
Autistic patients tend to demonstrate increased digestive issues and food sensitivities.
Types of foods that worsen symptoms associated to autism include:
• Diary products
• Night shade vegetables
• Citrus fruits
• Peanuts
• Preservative added foods, food additives and pesticidal residues.
It is also advised to avoid ginger and peppers. One of the major issues in autistic patients is improper digestion. Partially digested food is moved into the blood stream resulting in a weakened digestive and immune systems.
After an in depth digging, I could find that probiotic or good bacteria can be very helpful to promote a healthy digestion and a strong immune system.
Good bacteria like:
• Bifidobacterium lactis is good for treating leaky gut, inflammation from food sensitivities, constipation and inflamed bowels.
• Lacto bacillus salivarius: research has proved that this species decreases levels of harmful bacteria forming in mouth.
• Saccharomyces boulardii good for immune system support and increase in blood cell count.
There are a several number of herbs which improve immune system of a patient
• Tinospora cordifolia (Heart-leaved moonseed)
• Emblica officinalis (Indian gooseberry)
• Piper longum (Long pepper)
• Trikatu ( long pepper, black pepper, and ginger powder)
• Astragalus (milkvetch)
• Treatment suggestions: Allopathic medicine has no treatment. But we can find treatments in homeopathy and Ayurveda. In Ayurveda herbal supplementation like bacopa monniera has shown a significant improvement in symptoms associated to autism.
Massage with oils like gotu kola, sandalwood, lavender, and rose provide not only calming effect but also an increase in blood flow and stimulation of neurons or brain cells. By massaging research has also found a better eye contact, less stereotypic behavior, better socializing and improved sleep.
Significant improvement has been shown by autistic patients after only one week of supplementation with melatonin rich foods. Melatonin is a hormone released by our brain to regulate our sleep cycles. Melatonin rich foods are nuts, cereals, leguminous seeds, a few types of mushrooms. Fish and eggs are major melatonin rich foods in animal rich sources.
Yoga mudras and meditation, by chanting OM, has shown calmness reducing agitation. Exposure to nature has many benefits to the autistic patients.
Though the cause of autism is unknown it can clearly be linked to the habits of parents mainly to the mother. Consumption of food preservatives, food added with colors and synthetic materials must be kept in check. Females who feel smoking and consumption of alcohol is modern must keep genetic diseases like autism in mind and must avoid such habits. A study also shows that autism is genetic and autistic siblings may also share a few autistic traits. By consuming preserved foods and excess usage of drugs or medicines, smoking and drinking alcohol may affect your genes and in future may affect your kid's life. I feel it is our responsibility to give our children the best genes possible.
Treat your bodies like a temple.
Stay healthy and stay simple!!!.